Edward Lefurgy

Building Leadership Skills Through Youth Sports Programs

Youth Sports Programs

I’m Edward Lefurgy, a school counselor and basketball coach, deeply invested in nurturing leadership qualities among young athletes through sports. Having spent countless hours on the court and in counseling sessions, I’ve observed firsthand how sports can be an incredible tool for developing leadership skills. In this blog, I want to share some insights on how youth sports programs can be structured to foster these essential skills, and why I believe every young person should have the opportunity to participate in such programs.

The Foundation of Leadership in Sports

Sports inherently require communication, decision-making, and responsibility — all key components of leadership. Each game is a live exercise in handling pressure, making quick decisions, and working as part of a team. But beyond the natural development that occurs during gameplay, as coaches and educators, we can intentionally structure programs to enhance these experiences and maximize their impact.

Creating Opportunities for Leadership

One of the most straightforward ways to foster leadership is by creating specific opportunities for athletes to lead. This can be as simple as rotating the team captain role or assigning different leadership duties to players, such as leading warm-ups or being in charge of communications for team activities. These roles empower young athletes, giving them a taste of responsibility while still in a supportive environment.

Teaching the Value of Teamwork and Empathy

Leadership is not just about guiding others towards a goal but also about fostering unity and understanding within a team. Sports provide a unique opportunity to teach empathy by putting players in varied roles and situations where they must rely on and understand each other to succeed. For example, during practice, I often assign players to lead drills they excel in, encouraging them to support teammates who may struggle. This not only builds the leader’s confidence but also teaches them how to empathize with and motivate others.

Encouraging Reflection and Self-Awareness

An aspect of leadership that’s often overlooked in youth sports is reflection. After games and practices, I hold brief sessions where players can reflect on what went well and what could be improved, not just in terms of physical performance but also in their roles as leaders and supporters within the team. This reflection fosters a deeper level of self-awareness and allows young athletes to recognize their impacts on others.

Handling Failure and Setbacks

No discussion of leadership development is complete without addressing failure. In sports, as in life, failure is inevitable. It’s crucial that young athletes learn to handle setbacks gracefully and view them as opportunities for growth. This lesson is perhaps the most vital. By encouraging athletes to lead post-game discussions on what the team can learn from a loss, we help them develop resilience and a growth mindset—key traits of any great leader.

Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement

In Roots Sports Club, the youth basketball organization I founded, we emphasize a culture of continuous improvement. Leadership is viewed as a skill to be developed over time, not a trait some are simply born with. We provide regular feedback, set specific leadership goals, and provide the resources necessary for our young athletes to grow into the leaders we know they can be.

Why Every Young Person Should Participate

I’m a staunch advocate for the involvement of all youth in team sports, regardless of their initial skill level. The benefits—social, emotional, and leadership-related—are too significant to be overlooked. Sports challenge players in a supportive community environment, teaching them about themselves and how to influence and lead others positively.


Through my years of coaching and counseling, I’ve seen shy young individuals grow into confident leaders, all through their experiences in sports. The transformation is remarkable and is a testament to the power of well-structured youth sports programs. As educators, coaches, and community leaders, we have the opportunity and responsibility to mold not just future athletes but future leaders. Our influence can guide them toward successful and fulfilling lives, both on and off the field.

By integrating leadership development into our sports programs, we are investing in a better future for all our young participants. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what sports can achieve, making every game a lesson in leadership.